Personal Finances

$  5,000 - Taxes, HOA, Home Ins
$  3,000 to get to Thailand
$  3,000 to spend in Thailand (Checking account)
$     Pad Visa
$     Pad Checking Account  
10/01/2024 -  Schwab I =    $    26,000  
01/05/2025 -   Ally         =    $   18,000
01/18/2025 -  Vanguard =   $   24,000  ($4,000 Cap Gains) purch -1/16/2024
                                 Total  =  $ 68,000  

03/01/2025     Ally $30,000 =  $31,500 (w/ $450 withdraw penalty)
07/05/2025 -  Ally         =     $ 162,500 (no penalty)
06/01/2025    Car               =  $ 10,000
                                 Total  =  $270,000

House      =  $250,000+ (after real estate fees) 
Schwab I =    $46,000  (Stocks & EFTs)       
N. Amer  =    $50,000
Allianz    =  $200,000
IRA         =  $370,000 

Mom's Ins = $  39,000
Inherit       = $ 500,000  

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