Long Term Residency

Long Term Residency / Retirement Visas

   Wealthy Pensioner:

              $40,000 income + $250,000 investment bonds or real estate (home/condo?) combo?
              Health Insurance $50,000 or $100,000 Thai Bank Account

             $1,500 (initial fee + ???) 

             Do I have to leave the country in the 10 years?  No.

 Thailand Privilege Card:  

            Elite Gold 5 yr = $26,540 (20 pts)   $5,300 / year
            Platinum 10 yr = $44,235 (35 pts)   $4,425
            Diamond 15 yr = $74,000 (55 pts)   $4,933

            $56 annual renewal fee - must go get picture & fingerprints taken - 

            Can leave Thailand whenever you want? Yes..   
            Automatic renewal if you leave country every year.  
            Have to leave country?  No.


            Every 90 day reporting - 1 point (per quarter?)

            Bank Account (1 pt) - Driver's license (1 pt) - Gov admin compliances? (2 pts)

            Healthcare / transportation / leisure (golf/boxing)


Email contact:  natt@ten-pac.com  mention / randy @ retired-global-life YouTube channel

Retirement Visa links: 

Siam Legal Law Firm website - U.S. toll-free: 877-252-8831

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